

Organic food industry,a prospective new world
摘要 在5月29日至31日于上海光大会展中心成功举办的中国国际有机食品博览会(BioFachChina)上,有机食品行业展示了一派欣欣向荣的景象。 <Abract>Nowadays, global organic agriculture and product mar-ket is increasing by 10% ~15% annually. Chinese organic agriculture has been developing since 1990th and kept fe-markable growth, particularly from 2000 to 2005 with the average annual increase of 30%~50%. As a relatively new field in food industry, organic products market is just like a prospective new world expecting further exploitation. That attracts countless manufacturers to surge into. However, what we must do is rationally thinking of how to make our way in this new world. We should realize that China organic food industry is still not fully developed and we shall overcome certain difficulities. Above all, consumers lack knowledge on organic products, although they are familiar with the word 'ORGANIC'. Actually, consumer education is urgent which especially re-quires the support from media. How to establish and maintain the credibility of organic certification is a crucial challenge as well. We must make progress in many aspects, including improvement of legislation, effective implementation of laws and regulations, enhance-ment of the credibility of certification organisations and etc. Also, the price of organic food in China is still too high to be accepted by most consumers. The current price of organic food is 3 to 5 times as much as ordinary food products. But with production scale enlarging, the cost could reduce which will result in price fall. In addition, the majority of current organic foods are primary agricultural products. With the industry developing, we expect that the product varieties could be increased through downstream processing.
作者 金鑫
出处 《中国食品工业》 2008年第6期68-68,74-75,共1页 China Food Industry
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