Hepatitis B surface antigen (HbsAg) carriers are the main contagious source of hepetitisB and it has become a focusing public health problem . It is estimated that there are 200. million HBsAg carriers in the world, 100 million of whom are in China. Iu order to know , the current situa-tion of young students who carry HBsAg, the students from 19 schools (contaiuing colleges, middleschools and primary sckools in Dantu County and Runzhou, Jingkou District )were investigated withthe medical boxes from Beijing Biological Product Institution, the author used RPHA method to testHBsAg. There were 3354 people investigated (1701 boys and 1653 girls). The results are as followspositivity rate is 73% Mean Positivity rate APR 2. 18% (lower than that of the whole country); APRin boys are bigher than that in girl (P<0.01) and APR in seveu-year group is the kighest while thatin 19-year group is the lowest (P<0.05) and we found APR in those living in the countryside is hig-her than those in cities (P<0.01). It is concluded that the HBsAg carrier rate of young studeuts ismarkedly lower compared with the mean rate in tbe country. The couclusion suggested that improvingthe prevention of heptitis B in the youth, especially in pupils and students of tbe countryside, isimportant and necessary to control the incidence in China.
Journal of Zhenjiang Medical College
Heptitis B surface antigen (HBsAg)
Students investigation