
Low-temperature alteration of oceanic island basalts and their contribution to transition metal circulation of the ocean 被引量:1

Low-temperature alteration of oceanic island basalts and their contribution to transition metal circulation of the ocean
摘要 The major elements, rare earth elements (REE) and trace elements of four basalt samples from central and western Pacific ferro- manganese crust provinces have been analyzed using chemical methods and ICP - MS, respectively. The results indicate that the samples have been extensively altered and that the contents of their major elements have changed significantly. However, the similarity of REE partition patterns and trace element contents of basalt samples to those of fresh oceanic island basalts (OIB) indicate that the basalt samples originated as OIB. Because of low-temperature alteration, the contents of A1203 , Fe203 , MnO, K20 and P205 increased, while MgO and FeO decreased. Active components, such as magnesium and iron, were leached from OIB resulting in the relative enrichment of SiO2. The leaching of active components can cause the relative enrichment of REE, while the precipitation of LREE-rich ferromanganese oxides in vesicles and fissures not only causes an increase of REE contents, but also induces "fractionation" of LREE and HREE. Based on the enrichment mechanism of REE contents, the theoretical quantities of precipitated ferromanganese oxides and the depleted quantities of active components are calculated : the depleted quantities of active components for the unit mass of fresh basalts vary in the range of 0.15 ~ 0. 657, and the precipitated quantities of ferromanganese oxides for the unit mass of fresh basahs vary in the range of 0. 006 ~ 0. 042. Of the major elements, the two most depleted are iron, and magnesium, with 18.28% ~ 70.95% of iron and 44.50% ~ 93.94% of magnesium in the fresh basalts was leached out. Theoretical calculation and geochemistry results both indicate that low-temperature alteration of basalts can supply abundant amount of metals to seawater, and may play an important role in ocean metal circulation. The major elements, rare earth elements (REE) and trace elements of four basalt samples from central and western Pacific ferro- manganese crust provinces have been analyzed using chemical methods and ICP - MS, respectively. The results indicate that the samples have been extensively altered and that the contents of their major elements have changed significantly. However, the similarity of REE partition patterns and trace element contents of basalt samples to those of fresh oceanic island basalts (OIB) indicate that the basalt samples originated as OIB. Because of low-temperature alteration, the contents of A1203 , Fe203 , MnO, K20 and P205 increased, while MgO and FeO decreased. Active components, such as magnesium and iron, were leached from OIB resulting in the relative enrichment of SiO2. The leaching of active components can cause the relative enrichment of REE, while the precipitation of LREE-rich ferromanganese oxides in vesicles and fissures not only causes an increase of REE contents, but also induces "fractionation" of LREE and HREE. Based on the enrichment mechanism of REE contents, the theoretical quantities of precipitated ferromanganese oxides and the depleted quantities of active components are calculated : the depleted quantities of active components for the unit mass of fresh basalts vary in the range of 0.15 ~ 0. 657, and the precipitated quantities of ferromanganese oxides for the unit mass of fresh basahs vary in the range of 0. 006 ~ 0. 042. Of the major elements, the two most depleted are iron, and magnesium, with 18.28% ~ 70.95% of iron and 44.50% ~ 93.94% of magnesium in the fresh basalts was leached out. Theoretical calculation and geochemistry results both indicate that low-temperature alteration of basalts can supply abundant amount of metals to seawater, and may play an important role in ocean metal circulation.
出处 《Acta Oceanologica Sinica》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第2期35-54,共20页 海洋学报(英文版)
基金 The National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) under contract No 40706028 the China Oceanic Mineral Resources Re-search and Development Association (COMRA) under contract No DYXM115-01-2-01
关键词 oceanic island basahs OIB) low-temperature alteration ocean metal circulation theoretical calculation cobaltrich ferromanganese crusts oceanic island basahs ( OIB), low-temperature alteration, ocean metal circulation, theoretical calculation, cobaltrich ferromanganese crusts
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