
内蒙古达赉湖自然保护区狼捕食家畜初报 被引量:6

Wolf Predation on Livestock in Dalai Lake Nature Reserve Inner Mongolia
摘要 2004年7月至2007年1月在内蒙古达赉湖国家级自然保护区,通过跟踪调查搜集到狼(Canislupus)捕食家畜的数据,共计95起捕食事件,425(头只)家畜遭到捕食,折合人民币186575.00元。这些数据包括:捕食事件发生的时间,被捕食家畜的数量、类型、年龄,狼痕迹照片和捕食点的GPS数据。运用Mann-Whitney U检验对数据的差异性进行了检验;对捕食点的空间属性进行了量化,用多个生态因子对其进行了描述;运用主成分分析(PCA)分析了多因子中的主要成分。结果表明,在达赉湖狼主要捕食顺序是:羊(绵羊和山羊)、牛、马,骆驼和驴很少捕食,对羊存在偏好,被捕食个体年龄没有偏好。捕食的数目存在偏差,存在明显的机会性,捕食事件多发生在9月至次年2月的冰冻期。影响捕食地的生态变量重要性排序为:人为干扰距离、生境类型、猎物种类、卧息地距离、隐蔽度、水源距离、捕食季节、捕食数量、围栏距离9个生态指标。对这些生态因子的分析表明:前三个特征值的累计贡献率已达到81.544%,可以较好地反映捕食地的生境特征,影响狼捕食家畜的前三位主要因子是隐蔽度、人为干扰距离和水源距离,而与猎物种类相关不大。评价影响狼对家畜捕食的主要因素:人口的剧增使得野生动物的栖息地减少,过度放牧使得草场退化,是导致狼捕食家畜的重要原因;野外有蹄类的匮乏是导致狼捕食家畜的主要原因。建议改变目前的放牧方式,加强对家畜的看护,重新引入当地的一些原生物种,补充狼的自然食物,以缓解狼对家畜的捕食。 We examined predation on livestock of wolf ( Canis lupus ) by both field survey and resident interview method in Dalai Lake Nature Reserve, Inner-Mongolia, China, from Jul 2004 to Jan 2007. Totally 95 predation were claimed by the residents, in which total of 425 livestock were killed. The residents lost 186 575.00 RMB at least from those predations. We record the date of killing, species and number of killing, age of victim, location of killing. We analyzed 9 variables by GIS technique and tested the significance of difference between those variables by Mann- Whitney U test. PCA method was employed to identify the principal components among the 9 variables. Results showed that sheep, cattle and horses were the main species of livestock that wolf preyed on, 94.16% of the victims were sheep Camel and donkey were casually predated. Most predation occurred during the frozen season (Sep- Feb, 89.74% ). Location of predation was influence in the order of importance by human disturbance, habitat type, livestock species, distance to rest site, sheltering class, distance to water source, season, number of killed, distance to stockade. Result of principal components analysis (PCA) showed that the first 3 principal components explained 81.544% of the total variance among all predation habitat variables. According to absolute value of coefficient, the 3 components were classified separately as sheltering class factor, disturbance factor and water factor. Sheltering class factor is the chief factor influencing the location of predation. Shortage of prey is key reason of killing on livestock.
出处 《动物学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第3期81-86,共6页 Chinese Journal of Zoology
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(No.30370218) 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划项目(No.NCET-07-0507) 山东省优秀中青年科学家奖励基金项目(No.2005BS02005)
关键词 捕食 家畜 PCA GPS Wolf ( Canis lupus ) Predation Livestock conflict PCA GPS
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