
父权制社会下男权压迫与女性反抗的交锋——达洛维夫人与休·惠特布雷德对话的文体学分析 被引量:1

Oppression and rebellion——Stylistic analysis of the dialogue of Mrs. Dalloway and Hugh Whitbread
摘要 《达洛维夫人》是20世纪欧美意识流小说的经典之作。小说详尽地记叙了女主人公克拉莉莎·达洛维生活中典型的一天,从早上穿行于伦敦街道去为晚上将要举行的晚会买花开始一直到晚会接近尾声为止。在这一行程中达洛维夫人遇到了休·惠特布雷德,两人进行了交谈。这一段看似简单、随意的对话却有着丰富而深刻的政治权力内涵,即在一战后英国父权制社会体制下男性权威对女性的压迫及女性的反抗。对两人之间对话的文体学特征进行分析,可以揭示出文本的叙述形式中隐藏的意识形态内涵。 Mrs. Dalloway is a classic of the stream of conscious novel of European and American literature. It depicts a typical day of Clarissa Dalloway when she travels in London streets to buy flowers for the party she will hold that night. During the trip ,she meets with an old friend, Hugh Whitbread and has a seemingly casual talk with him. This talk however has complicated and profound implications of politics and power: the oppression of male standard on females and female's rebellion against the oppression in the patriarchal society of Britain after the First World War. This article will analyze the stylistic features of the dialogue between Mrs. Dalloway and Hugh Whitbread to expose the ideological implications behind the narrative form of the text.
作者 杨柳
出处 《淮南师范学院学报》 2008年第1期74-76,共3页 Journal of Huainan Normal University
关键词 达洛维夫人 父权制 男权标准 女性反抗 Mrs. Dalloway patriarchal society male standard female rebellion
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  • 1Auerbach, E. Mimesis [M]. Princeton: Princeton University Press,1968. 485.
  • 2Hafley, J. The Glass Roof, Virginia Woolfas Novelist [M]. California:University of California Press, 1954. 69.
  • 3Woolf, L. Collected Essays [C]. London: The Hogarth Press, 1966.330.
  • 4Herbert, A. M. What Does It Mean? How Do You Explain It All? Virginia Woolf: A Postmodem Modernist [ A]. In Hussey, M.& NeverowTurk (eds.). Virginia Woolf Miscellanies : Proceeding of the First Annual Conference on Virginia Woolf[C] .Pace University Press, 1992.11.
  • 5Miller, M. A. Between the Acts of Modernism and Postmodernism: [A]Virginia Woolf Miscellanies [ C]. XLIV, Pace: Pace University Press,1994.4,9.
  • 6Rose, P. A Life for Virginia Woolf [M]. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd., 1978. 125.
  • 7Hodge, R. Literature as Discourse [M]. Cambridge: Polity Press,1990.35.
  • 8Short, M. Exploring the Language of Poems, Plays and Prose [ M ].London: Longman, 1996.
  • 9Auerbach, E. Mimesis [M]. Princeton: Princeton University Press,1968. 536.
  • 10Woolf, V. Mrs. Dalloway [M]. London: Granada Publishing Limited,1978.本文中的小说片段均出自此版本,斜体为笔者所加.










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