
中国四川的蔬菜栽培系统——以2个村为例(英文) 被引量:1

The vegetable cultivation system in two villages in Sichuan province,China
摘要 本文对胜利村和西北村的蔬菜生产系统进行了定量描述,胜利村和西北村位于中国四川彭州市郊区,在该区域种植了种类繁多的蔬菜品种,其中最重要的是大蒜和莴笋。描述了区域土壤和气候特点,并详细介绍了该区域主要蔬菜种植系统和栽培技术。冬季是蔬菜栽培的最重要季节,大多数蔬菜采用移栽技术并与水稻连作,只有少部分耕地用于连续的蔬菜栽培。阐述了蔬菜生产的主要限制因子,要提高该区域的蔬菜生产水平必须加强蔬菜新品种研究、推广现代育苗技术、发展反季节栽培和提高病虫害控制技术水平。 A quantitative description was made of the agronomic characteristics of the vegetable cultivation system in two villages, Shengli and Xibei,in the peri-urban area of Pengzhou County, Sichuan Province, China. A great number of different vegetable species were cultivated, of which garlic and lettuce were the most important ones. A description of the climate and soils of the area and details of the cropping system and cultivation techniques of the major vegetables were presented. The winter season was the most important season for vegetable production. Most of the vegetable crops were transplanted and grown in rotation with wet rice. A small area was used for continuous dry land vegetable production. Major constraints in the production of the vegetables were identified. Recommendations to improve the vegetable production focused on variety reseanch ,modern transplant production methods, off-season cultivation and improved knowledge on pest and disease control.
出处 《西南农业学报》 CSCD 2008年第3期764-769,共6页 Southwest China Journal of Agricultural Sciences
关键词 蔬菜 栽培系统 限制园子 推荐 vegetables cultivation system constraints recommendations
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