嵌入式三模式以太网MAC(媒体访问控制)和RocketIO GTP(GPRS(通用分组无线电业务)Tunnelling Protocol)收发器是Xilinx公司FPGA(现场可编程门阵列)器件内部的2个硬核。主要介绍了Virtex-5器件中以太网MAC模块和RocketIO GTP收发器模块的功能集以及千兆以太网MAC和RocketIO GTP收发器的集成实现。该实现在软件和硬件上大大简化了物理层与数据链路层之间的通信连接。
The embedded Tri-Mode Ethernet MAC and RocketlO GTP Transceiver are two hardcore of Xilinx FPGA device. This paper introduces mainly the comprehensive functions of Ethemet MAC module and RocketlO GTP Transceiver of Virtex-5, and also the integrated implementation of 1000Mbps Ethemet MAC and RocketlO GTP Transceiver. This kind of implementation simplifies significantly the communication connection between physical layer and data link layer in software and hardware.
Electronic Engineer