摘要近年来美国越来越重视学前数学教育研究。2000年4月,美国数学教师理事会(National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 简称NCTM)出版发行了《学校数学教育准则与标准》,包括了学前期至十二年级(Pre-K-12,Pre是prekindergarcen的缩写.指的是美国幼儿园教育前的年龄段的教育,而kindergalen是指小学一年级前的一年)的数学教育。值得指出的是,
5California State Board of Education.Mathematics Cur-riculum Framework of California[]..2005
2Iram Siraj-Blatchford, Kathy Sylva, Stella Muttock(2002), Researching Effective Pedagogy in the Early Years.Department for Education and Skills.
3California State Board of Education. Mathematics Curriculum Framework of California[S]. Sacramento USA. California Department of Education. 2005.
4California State University Board of Trustees. 1998. Precollegiate Education Policy Implementation: Second Annual Report. Agenda. March 17-18, 1998. 23-31.