Objective To enhance the knowledge and show the advancements of diagnosis and treatment of pyriform sinus fstula. Methods 41 cases of pyriform sinus fistula were reported . There were 16 boys and 25 girls, aged from 9months to twelve years and 3 months. 40 in the left neck, 1 in the right. 33 had uhrasonography, 20 CT scan, 29 scintigraphy, 39 esphagogram, 28 did the operation of fistulectomy, within 20 underwent gastroscopic assitant fistulectomy. 37 cases were followed up for 18 month to 17 years and 6 months. Results Ultrasonograph in 32 cases showed inflammatory swelling in the region of the left/ right neck associated with the thyroid gland; CT scan showed abscess formation in the left/right side of the neck with involvement of left/right thyroid lobe; In 5 cases CT scan gave the direct diagnosis of pyriform sinus fistula; Scintigraph in 26 cases showed inflammation in the region of the left/right lobe of the thyroid gland, 2 cold nodules; Esphagogram showed the fistula; 10 patients did not use gastroscopic assitance,8 had no recurrence and 2 had recurrence during the period of follow-up, 20 with gastroscopic assitance(within 10 cases had fistulectomy in other or our hospital), only 2 had recurrence; 9 got follow-up in 13 cases without operation, 5 got healing or in quiescency, 4 recrrence one more time. Conclusions Bariun swallow during the period of quiescency is essential for the diagnosis, in addition, CT scan , ultrasonography, and scintigraphy are also of importance. Complete removal of the fistula is the choice of treatment. Gastroscopic assistant operation is a simple, quick and effective operation for children with pyriforrn sinus fistula.
Journal of Clinical Pediatric Surgery
Pyriform sinus fistula
Diagnosis and treatment
Gastroscopic assistant