
中非关系发展辨析 被引量:6

An Analysis of the Development of China-Africa Relationship
摘要 20世纪90年代中期以来,中国与非洲关系的发展引起了国际社会的广泛关注,有些西方舆论对此表露了担心、怀疑、非议,甚至诬蔑。这些舆论只看到了中非关系的个别现象和经济层面,而忽视了它的历史和其他层面。中非关系源于双方在历史上的友好交往和相似经历,不是凭空出现的突发事件;中非关系着眼于互利合作与共同发展,与殖民主义毫无关系;中国与非洲国家政府在双方关系发展中起到了主导作用,中非关系的可持续性有重要保障;中非关系已经成为推进世界体系朝着进一步公正、合理与和谐方向发展的积极因素。 Since mid-1990s,development of China-Africa relations have been widely noted by the international society and some of the Western media have showed their worries,suspicions,censures and even slanders.They focus only on the economic significance of China-Africa relations and have the historical and other elements largely ignored.China-Africa relationship derives from the friendly bilateral relations and similar experience both had in history,instead of from the suddenly-occurred.China-Africa relationship is based on mutual bevefit cooperation and shared development and it has nothing to do with the neo-colonialism.The governments of China and African states have dominated the development of the bilateral relations and hence its sustainability.China-Africa relation is functioning as a positive element in promoting the world system going more fairly,reasonably and harmoniously.
作者 潘华琼
机构地区 北京大学历史系
出处 《西亚非洲》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第7期17-22,共6页 West Asia and Africa
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  • 3Thabo Mbeki, "At the Heavenly Gate in Beijing Hope is Born!" , ANC Today, 10 Nov. 2006.
  • 4"Evaluating Chinese President Hu Jintao' s Tour of Africa", The China Monitor, Issue 15, Centre for Chinese Studies, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa, February 2007.
  • 5Liu Guijin, “Beijing Summit : a meeting of equals”, Business Day ( South Africa), 1 Nov. 2006.
  • 6"Thinking Through Sino - Africa Relations", Daily Trust ( Nigeria), 13 Nov. 2006.
  • 7Joseph Ngwawi, “Africa: Economic, Political And Cultural Cooperation to Dominate Africa - China Summit”, Southern Africa News Features, October 31,2006, http: //allafrica. com/stories/200610310706.html.
  • 8Andrea Goldstein, Nicolas Prinaud, Helmut Reisen and Xiaobao Chen, The Rise of China and India : What' s in it for Africa? Paris, OECD, 2006, pp. 25 -32.
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  • 10贺文萍.《中非峰会奏响中非合作新篇章》,载《中国社会科学院院报》,2006年11月8日.











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