
GPS干扰监测技术 被引量:1

GPS Interference Monitoring Technique
摘要 随着GPS导航定位技术的日臻完善,其应用范围也越来越广,定位精度不断提高,GPS干扰监测和抗干扰措施一直是该领域的热门研究课题。本文从干扰信号监测和卫星信号监测两个角度研究分析了GPS干扰监测中的重要技术与实现方法。 Along with the development and improvement of GPS, the application of GPS is getting more and more widely. The GPS interference monitoring and anti--jamming technique is always the important research subject in this field. This paper analyzes the important technique and implementation approach of GPS interference monitoring by interfering signal and GPS signal.
出处 《全球定位系统》 2008年第3期5-8,共4页 Gnss World of China
关键词 GPS GPS干扰 干扰信号监测 GPS信号监测 GPS GPS interference interfering signal monitoring GPS signal monitoring
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