

A Method for Improving the Limited Power Efficiency Under the UWB-OFDM Systems
摘要 提出了一种UWB-OFDM系统的改进方案,该方案在不改变现有的IEEE802.15.3a标准和系统复杂度的情况下支持多速率业务,针对该方案提出了相应的多速率实现方式和多速率盲检测方法。多速率设计提高了UWB-OFDM系统支持不同数据速率业务的能力,同时可提高受限功率的利用效率。 A kind of improvement project for the UWB-OFDM systems is put forward, which supports multirate services without changing the existing IEEES02.15.3a standard and system complexity. Accordingly, a multirate scheme is designed, method is given. The multirate design improves the rious rate services, and improves the limited power and the corresponding multirate blind detection ability of the UWB-OFDM systems to support vaefficiency.
出处 《装备指挥技术学院学报》 2008年第3期90-95,共6页 Journal of the Academy of Equipment Command & Technology
基金 部委级资助项目
关键词 超宽带 基于正交频分复用的超宽带 系统模型 多速率检测 UWB UWB-OFDM system model multirate detection
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