
基于负载平衡的水声传感器网络生存期延长策略 被引量:3

Lifetime prolonging strategy based on balancing traffic-load in under-water acoustic sensor networks
摘要 网络生存期是衡量水声传感器网络的一个主要性能指标。采用多跳传输机制的水声传感器网络中,靠近基站的节点最先耗尽能量,导致网络生存期缩短,针对这一问题,提出了一种网络生存期延长策略。该策略将圆形的网络区域划分成n个环,使最内环每个节点负载最小,给出了最优传输距离,为了平衡负载,采用直跳和多跳混合传输的机制,优化网络生存期。仿真结果表明,网络生存期提高显著。 Network lifetime is the measure of major performance guidelines for Under-Water Acoustic Sensor Networks (UW-ASN), because the nodes near the sink consume energy so quickly that would shorten network lifetime in multi-hop transmission scheme. A network lifetime prolonging strategy was proposed to solve this problem. This strategy divides the disk area into n rings, to make the traffic load of the inner rings minimum. It offers the optimum transmission distance, in order to balancing the trafic load, then combines direct transmission with multi-hop transmission scheme to prolong network lifetime. Simulation results show that the network lifetime prolongs obviously.
出处 《计算机应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第B06期110-112,115,共4页 journal of Computer Applications
基金 国家863计划项目(2006AA09Z113) 908专项(908-03-01-07)
关键词 水声传感器网络 网络生存期 负载平衡 Under-Water Acoustic Sensor Networks (UW-ASN) network lifetime load balancing
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