
802.11无线局域网中的智能AP切换策略 被引量:4

Intelligent AP selection strategy in 802.11 WLAN
摘要 在802.11协议内,站点有权选择将要连接的接入点,因此接入点选择机制的实现就成为了负载平衡的一个关键因素。新提出的AP切换策略可应用到新的兼容802.11e的无线网络。由于无需对原有的802.11和802.11e作修改,无论从实现成本和兼容性两个方面来看,都是很实用的方案。仿真实验表明该策略既能充分利用无线通信资源,又可以实现无线局域网内的负载平衡。 In the 802.11 standard, the station has the right to choose which AP to associate. Therefore, the AP selection mechanism is a key factor in load balance. The new strategy can be applied to WLANs compliant with IEEE802. 11e. Since the strategy can be implemented without any modifications in the IEEE802. 11 and IEEE802.11 e standards, it is useful from the implementation-cost and compatibility point of views. Simulation results show that our strategy can efficiently utilize radio resources and can also achieve load balancing in IEEE802. 11 WLAN networks.
出处 《计算机应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第B06期120-122,共3页 journal of Computer Applications
关键词 802.11无线局域网 AP切换 负载平衡 802. 11 WLAN AP selection load balance
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