
基于直线检测算法的卫星图片中建筑物轮廓提取 被引量:4

Building figure extraction in satellite images based on line detection algorithm
摘要 提出一种方法,可以从卫星图像中自动检测建筑物。介绍了直线提取和直线合并的算法,分别讨论算法的实现结果和对结果的评价。建筑物检测的结果为矢量的二维候选数据,缩短了原始图像数据和最后对图像理解之间的差距。 In order to generate the 3D-model of construction, using the method based on image processing, automated techniques were proposed to replace the current manual work. An approach for automatic building detection was put forward from satellite imagery, Firstly, the algorithms of line extraction and line merging were presented. Then, the implementation of the method and result quantitative quality assessment were discussed respectively. The result of building detection provides the vectorial and two-dimension candidate data, which shorten the difference between original image data and final understanding.
出处 《计算机应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第B06期190-192,共3页 journal of Computer Applications
关键词 建筑物检测 直线检测 CANNY算子 霍夫变换 边缘检测 building detection line detection Canny operator Hough transform edge detection
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