Purpose: To define the correation between the LVMI and VOI in hypertension. Materials and Methods: 101 cases with cardiovascular diseases were diveided into two groups, 53 cases with hypertension group i and 48 cases without hypertension group Ⅱ. The intracardiac stracture was charcterized with echocardiography. Left ventricular mass index (LVMI) and vessel overload index (VOI) were determined. Results: There were significant differences in both LVMI and VOI between the tow groups (P<0.05) and in each group linear correlation (P<0.0005) and linear regression (P<0.001) were proved between LVMI and VOI but there was no significant difference between tow regression coefficient (b1,b2. P>0.5). The slope of the regression line in tow groups was identical. Conclusion: Echocardiogrophic determination of LVMI and VOI was useful in reflecting cardiovascular state of the patients suffered from hypertension.
Chinese Journal of Medical Imaging