Anesthetized rabbits were subjected to a moderate degree of hemorrhagic shock. Lowering theirmean arterial pressure to 5. 3 KPa for 3 h, we measured the mean arterial pressure (MBP), left ventricular systolicpressure (LVSP), left ventricular maximum velocities of contraction (dp/dtmax), and myocardial electrical activity.The results of this study demonstrated that LVSP declined in parallel with MBP I that dp/dtmax dropped acutely on the instant of hemorrhagic shock ; dp/dtmax went up by 48N on 15 min after shock ; then dp/dtmax fell gradully, and by 3 h after shock the dp/dtamx values dropped to 20% of the baseline values ; that intracellular sodium andpotassium contents increased significantly in the hemorrhagic shocked rabbits; that myocardial resting potential(RP) and action potential amplitude (APH) diminished ; and that action potential duration(APD), action potentialrepolarized 50% duration (APD 50), and repolarized 90% duration (APD 90) were markedly prolonged in thehemorrhagic shock, compared with control. The results suggested that in hemorrhagic shock myocardial cells fastsodium channel was closed while slow sodium and slow calcium channels, were opened ; thus sodium and calciuminfused and potassium exuded.
Journal of Biomedical Engineering