本文报道了云南省双柏县2个典型农业乡11年间计划生育的成本分析结果,结果表明,2乡计生总成本及已婚龄妇女人均计生成本均呈逐年上升趋势,国家投入成本远高于个人投入成本。在远离县城的鄂嘉乡创建及扩建乡计生所投入的人力物财力主要是用于固定资本,但固定资本在计生 所占比例并大。
This paper reports the costs of Family Planning services in Dazhuang and Ejia townships of Shuangbai County, Yunnan Province. The results show that the total costs and costs per married reproductive aged woman of Family Planning services in two townships continuously increased from 1985 to 1995. Government input is higher than client input. When the Family Planning Service Station in Ejia was built in the late 1980s, government put in much in fixed capital costs. However,the proportion of fixed capital costs in total costs was rather low.
Liu Wei, Tang Songyuan, Zhang Kaining,Li Ruhua.Li Chengliang,Zhou Kaihua,Gerald Bloom,Gu Xingyuan,Shu Baogang P.O.Box 43,Institute for Health Sciences,Kunming Medical College,Kunming 650031,China
1997年第9期 29-32,共4页
Chinese Primary Health Care