?We designed an multifunctional anesthesia circuit, in which expiration valve was in the paracentral end of the exhaust pipe with a relief pore. The function of the ciucuit was changed by closing or opening the relief pore. When the pore is opened, the circuit has the function of Bain circuit. When the pore is closed, it can be connected to a common anesthesia machine as closed circuit. In clinical application of 178 cases, it was used as semiopened circuit in 73 cases, and reinhaled CO_2 concentration(PinCO_2) was 0.2±0.2 kPa, showing that its semiopened circuit function is reliable. It was used as closed circuit in 105 cases and compared with several types of anesthesia machine closed circuit; No significant difference was observed among parameters such as VT、VE、PETCO_2,Paw,PinCO_2,indicating that its closed circuit function is also good.