
龙眼园节肢动物群落的多样性与生态位 被引量:1

Diversity and niche of arthropod community in longan orchard
摘要 龙眼园节肢动物群落由2纲21目127科334种组成,其种类和个体数:植食性昆虫占47.60%和31.21%,捕食性昆虫占14.07%和25.49%,蜘蛛占32.34%和14.87%。多样性指数以蜘蛛最高,3个层次月均值均在2.0以上,其次为植食性昆虫。周年的数量及多样性指数的波动亚群落与层次间均有差异,总体是植食性昆虫的波动较明显,蜘蛛的波动较平稳。12个优势种(类群)的生态位,一维的时间和空间生态位宽度值均是多色金蝉蛛(Phintella versicolor)最大,水平生态位是小叶蝉(Typhlocybinae)最大。一维的空间生态位重叠值,在害虫之间最大的是小叶蝉与锥头叶蝉(Japananus spp.),天敌之间最大的是草间钻头蛛(Hylyphantes graminicola)与多色金蝉蛛,天敌与害虫间是蚂蚁类(Formicidae)与白蛾蜡蝉(Lawana imitata);时间生态位重叠值,害虫之间最大的为红头长跗萤叶甲(Monolepta occifluvis)与啮虫科(Psocidae);天敌之间为咸丰球蛛(Thridion xianfengensis)与二义宽胸蛛(Rhene biembolusa);天敌与害虫之间为二义宽胸蛛与红头长跗萤叶甲;一维的水平生态位重叠值总体较小。多维生态位宽度大小依次为多色金蝉蛛、二义宽胸蛛、红头长跗萤叶甲、灵川丽蛛(Chrysso lingchuanensis)、咸丰球蛛、荔蝽(Tessaratoma papillosa)、啮虫科、草间钻头蛛、锥头叶蝉、小叶蝉、白蛾蜡蝉和蚂蚁类。多维生态位重叠值,在害虫之间最大的是锥头叶蝉与小叶蝉,天敌之间是咸丰球蛛与灵川丽蛛,天敌与害虫间是二义宽胸蛛与红头长跗萤叶甲。 The arthopod community consisted of 334 species belonging to 127 families of 21 orders in Insecta and Arachnoidea. They represented 47. 60%, 14.07% and 32. 34% in number of species and 31.21%, 25.49% and 14.87% in number of individuals for phytophagous insects, predacious insects and spiders respectively. The diversity index of spiders was the highest and theirs averages of 12 months were all above 2.0 in top plant stratum, bottom plant stratum and on ground surface vegetation. Then the second was phytophagous insects. There was difference on fluctuation of number and diversity index in both sub-communities and stratifications in a year. Of which in phytophagous insects was the most obvious and in spiders was the most smooth in all. Niche analysis of 12 predominant species (groups) showed that it was the highest to the temporal and spatial niche breadth of Phintella versicolor and to the vertical niche breadth of Typhlocybinae. For the spatial niche overlap, it was the highest between the pests Typhlocybinae and Japananus spp., the natural enemies Hylyphantes grarninicola and Phintella. versicolor, the natural enemies Formicidae and pests Lawana imitata . And for the temporal niche overlap, it was the highest between the pests Monolepta occifluvis and Psocidae, the natural enemies Thridion xianfengensis and Rhene biembolusa, the natural enemies Rh. biembolusa and pests Monolepta occifluvis respectively. The vertical niche overlap was lower in all. The hypervolume niche breadths of different species (groups) were different, theirs order were Phintella versicolor 〉 Rhene biembolusa 〉 Monolepta occi fluvis 〉 Chrysso lingchuanensis 〉 Thridion xian f engens 〉 Tessaratoma pa pillosa 〉 Psocidae〉 Hylyphantes graminicola〉Japananus spp. 〉Typhlocybinae〉Lawana imitata〉Formicidae. For the hypervolume niche overlap, it was the highest between the pests Japananus spp. and Typhlocybinae, the natural enemies Thridion xian fengensis and Chrysso lingchuanensis ; the natural enemies Rhene biembolusa and pests Monolepta occi fluvis.
机构地区 广西大学农学院
出处 《广西农业生物科学》 CAS CSCD 2008年第2期148-153,共6页 Journal of Guangxi Agricultural and Biological Science
基金 广西大学科研基金项目
关键词 群落 龙眼 多样性 生态位 节肢动物 community longan diversity niche arthropod
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