
井枯方知水珍贵——艾米莉·狄金森与席慕容爱情诗比较研究 被引量:1

Only When the Well is Dry Can One Really Know the Value of the Water——A comparative study of the love poems between Xi Murong and Emily Dickinson
摘要 艾米莉·狄金森和席慕容的爱情诗,描写了因对所拥有的爱情不珍惜或粗心而导致爱的失去带给主人公们的哀伤、痛楚、悔恨与留恋,带给她们的对爱情真义的反思,对崇高爱情内涵的思索。让读者在阅读的过程中,在与诗人、与作品主人公在情感上产生共鸣的同时,反思自己过去的情感,思索现在所拥有的和将来的情感,珍惜自己所拥有的美好的东西。 Lots of the love poems by Emily Dickinson and Xi Murong depict the heroes' sorrows, pains, regrets as well as their nostalgia brought by the loss of their love because of their negligence or their carelessness towards their once- owned love, and thus to retrospect what true love really is and the connotation of lofty love. And the readers can also sympathize with the poets and the heroes in emotion during the process of appreciation, introspect their past emotion, deeply ponder over what they own now and what will happen in the future, and thus to cherish the beautiful things they own now.
作者 杨玉英
出处 《昭通师范高等专科学校学报》 2008年第3期27-30,共4页 Journal of Zhaotong Teacher's College
基金 乐山师范学院科研项目(S06105)
关键词 艾米莉·狄金森 席慕容 爱情诗 Emily Dickinson Xi Murong love poems
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  • 1席慕容.七里香[M].台北:大地出版社,1981.
  • 2席慕客.无怨的青春[M].台北:大地出版社,1983.
  • 3Richard Wilbur. The Laurel Poetry Series: Emily Dickinson[M]. New York: Dell Publishing Co Inc,1960.
  • 4Thomas H Johnson. Emily Dickinson, An Interpretive Biography(3 Vols)[M]. Cambridge: Massachusetts, 1955.
  • 5Porter D. Dickinson, the Modern idiom[M]. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1981.
  • 6Paul J Ferlazzo. Emily Dickinson[M]. Boston: Twayne Publishers, 1976.
  • 7Genevieve Taggard. The Life and Mind of Emily Dickinson[M]. New York, Alfred A Knopf, 1930.
  • 8Thomas H Johnson. The Letters of Emily Dickinson(Vol. 2)[M]. Cambridge: Massachusetts, 1958.
  • 9Lauter Paul. The Heath Anthology of American Literature[M]. Lexington, Massachusetts.. Heath and Company 1990.
  • 10席慕客.爱的絮语[M].北京:中国友谊出版公司,1989.









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