
Ad Hoc移动骨干网分层路由协议的研究 被引量:1

Research on Layered Routing Protocol for Ad hoc Network with Mobile Backbones
摘要 为了解决Ad Hoc网络的可扩充性问题,分级结构在Ad Hoc网络中的应用得到了广泛的研究。文中提出了一种适用于移动Ad Hoc网络中的多频分级结构——移动骨干网的分层路由协议Layered—AODV。该协议结合了网络多频分级的结构特点在各级采用不同的按需路由策略以降低全网冗余路由信息的传播,提高了网络的可扩展性。仿真结果表明,该协议能够有效减少移动Ad Hoc网络中的路由开销,端到端传播时延,并能有效地提高网络业务的性能,在一定程度上能够解决随着Ad Hoc网络规模扩大而网络性能下降的问题。 Application of the hierarchical structure in Ad Hoc network draws increasing attention due to the poor scalability of Ad Hoc network. This paper proposes a layered routing protocol, Layered-AODV, which is specifically designed for multi-frequency hierarchical structure in Ad Hoc network. Redundant messages can be significantly reduced and the networks scalability can be improved greatly by different strategies at different layers. Extensive simulation results show that the Layered-AODV protocol has good performance in terms of route overhead and packet delay, thus solving the scalability problem of Ad Hoc network to some extent.
出处 《电子科技》 2008年第7期34-39,共6页 Electronic Science and Technology
关键词 自组织网络 多频分级结构 移动骨干网 分层路由协议 Ad Hoc network multi-frequency hierarchical structure mobile backbones layered routing protocol
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