
全面理解人力资本的经济价值——教育经济学与培训经济学的融合 被引量:6

A Comprehensive Understanding of the Economic Value of Human Capital
摘要 教育经济学不应只是正规学校教育的经济学,在终身学习的理念下,正规学校教育的结束并不意味着学习步伐的停滞和人力资本投资的终结。教育经济学未来拓展的路径,除了理论基础上的"外延式"发展外,还可以在原有的人力资本理论框架内走一条"内涵式"发展的道路,即强调综合考察人力资本投资的多种途径,特别是教育和培训这两种最主要的人力资本投资形式,让教育经济学走出正规学校教育经济学的固有领地,团结在人力资本理论的名义下,与培训经济学融合,走向人力资源开发研究的广阔天地,惟其如此,才能全面、深入地研究人力资本的经济价值及其实现机制。 Economics of education should not be defined only as economics of school education. Under the ideology of life - long learning, the end of school education does not mean an end stop of learning and human capital investment. Apart from an outer development through theoretical foundation expansion, economics of education can also gain its inner development under the framework of humang capital theory. The approach of inner development emphasizes a comprehensive insight into the various human capital investments especially education and training which are the most important approaches of human capital investment. The integration of economics of education and economics of training will bring us a rosy future in the study of human resources development. Only under this circumstances can we carry out an overall and deep research into the economic value of human capital as well as its realization mechanism.
作者 李湘萍
出处 《经济经纬》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第4期5-7,15,共4页 Economic Survey
关键词 人力资本 教育经济学 培训经济学 融合 human capital economics of education economics of training integration
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