本文研究了加热干燥时间对壳聚糖-明胶复合膜性能的影响。检测了复合膜的拉伸强度、断裂伸长率、吸水率和透水气性能,结果表明,加热干燥时间对膜的物理机械性能的影响较大。综合各种指标,加热干燥时间为5 h时,复合膜的综合性能最好。
In this paper, the effect of heating drying time on chitosan/glutin composite films was investigated. The tests of properties such as tensile strength, elongation rate, water absorption and water vapor permeability values revealed that heating drying time was one of the important factors that affected the properties of chitosan/glutin composite films. It was found that when the heating drying time was 5 hours, the experimental results showed that the films had the best properties.