随着Internet信息的迅速增长,许多Web信息已经被各种各样的可搜索在线数据库所深化,并被隐藏在Web查询接口下面。传统的搜索引擎由于技术原因不能索引这些信息——Deep Web信息。由于Deep Web惟一"入口点"是查询接口,为使查询接口自动产生有意义有查询,给出了Deep Web信息集成系统框架,提出了基于数据类型的搜索驱动的用户查询转换方法,基于此设计并实现了一个针对中文Deep Web信息集成原型系统。通过在实际Deep Web站点上的实验证明了此方法是非常有效的。
As the amount of information on the Web increases rapidly, much Web information has been deepened by myriad searchable online databases, been hidden behind query interfaces. Traditional search engine does not index these information. Since the only "entry point"to a hidden web sit is a query interface. Provides the frame of Deep Web information integration system, and the method of napping a user query to a set of Deep Web source query interfaces is proposed to automatically generate meaningful queries. And based on it, a Deep Web information integration system frame is designed and implemented. The Deep Web site experiment shows that this method is very effective in reality.
Computer Technology and Development