
矿山酸性排水静态预测与评价 被引量:13

The static prediction and criteria of acid rock drainage
摘要 全面论述了硫化金属矿山中,暴露于地表的废矿石与尾矿经风化氧化产生酸性排水(ARD)潜在性的静态预测与评价方法,总结与比较了酸碱计算法(ABA Test)、净产酸量测试法(NAG Test)及硫酸标准液酸碱计算法(BC Research Initial Test)等ARD预测与评价方法的优势.通过静态预测,硫化金属矿山废矿石与尾矿产酸的潜在性分别为产酸矿、非产酸矿和产酸不确定矿. This paper reviews the static prediction and criteria of acid rock drainage(ARD) and compares ABA Test, NAG Test and BC Research Initial Test used as the tool for assessing the acid generation potential in waste rock and tailing exposed in air. Static test resuh shows acid generating, non acid-generating and uncertain samples.
出处 《广州大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2008年第4期60-63,共4页 Journal of Guangzhou University:Natural Science Edition
关键词 矿山酸性排放 静态预测 产酸潜力 acid rock drainage (ARD) static prediction acid potential
  • 相关文献


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