Objective Has summed up 54 examples nursing of congenital heart disease after extraneouscirculation operation. Be ready for the mentality nursing, reinforce deep breathing training, guide patient exercise to have an effect to cough and to arrange sputum method before the gap, the ventricular septal defect mending, four couplets Mrs. law diseases correcting the skill patient skill to 54 examples in having sexual intercourse under extracorporal circulation; Close the pipeline observing state of illness reinforcing pneogaster, thoracic cavity drainage tube nursing and circulatory system monitor the skill queen, take precautions against the complication may appear. Nature pulses are abnormal on this group skill last 2 example occurrence fleetness rooms, all case leaves hospital in skill last 10 15 d recovery. The close skill queen nursing is the complication taking precautions against the skill queen in the skill front, promotes the recovered basis of patient.
international journal of nursing
Congenital heart
Disease after extraneouscirculation operation
Nursing care