在体外实验中观察了同种特异T细胞疫苗(TCV)免疫鼠T淋巴细胞对同种抗原和有丝分裂原(ConA)的反应能力。B6同种抗原特异TCV免疫的BALB/c小鼠对B6同种抗原的反应(MLR)能力明显变抑制,对无关第三者同种抗原AKR的反应能力也显著下降,表明存在抗原非特异性的抑制作用。在BALB/c同种抗原特异TCV免疫的B6小鼠中,获得一致的结果。在观察两组TCV免疫动物T细胞对Cond诱导的淋巴细胞增殖实验中,与正常小鼠 T细胞反应性比较,TCV免疫动物 T细胞的增殖能力显著下降,表现为抗原非特异作用。此与MLR中ConA-T细胞免疫动物的结果相一致。在CML实验里,同种抗原特异TCV免疫小鼠的脾细胞体外诱导同种CTL活性明显受到抑制,CTL 活性十分低下。体外实验结果表明:同种特异TCV免疫小鼠可诱发同种抗原反应和对ConA诱发的增殖反应能力显著低下,表现为抗原非特异性作用。
In our previous report.allo-specific T cell vaccination could induce a distinct prolongation of the survival of cardiac allograft in a fashion specific and nonspecific for the alloantigens. Experiments in vitro were carried out to make sure of this phenomenon if the results were identical with in vivo. The results showed: (1) a significantly decreased proliferation response of the T lymphocytes from the allo-TCV immunized mice to Con A. (2) An inhibition of the mixed lymphocytes reaction (MLR)by allo-specific T cell vaccination.in which the proliferation response of the lymphocytes from TCV immunized mice showed much weaker to the TCV-specific al-loantigen or the third partner alloantigen (from AKR mice)than that from normal mice (P<0.01). Suppression of the MLR was not limited to the TCV-specific alloantigen. (3)Suppression of allo-specific CTL activity in allo-TCV immunized mice; the activity of specific CTL to alloantigen generated by in vitro bulk MLR in TCV group was much lower than that in. nomal mice group.These data suggested thatallo-sceci-fic T cell vaccination could induce a hyporeactlvity of the host T lymphocytes to alloantigens, which may result in a prolongation of allograft survival.
Shanghai Journal of Immunology