干扰素诱导蛋白44(Interferon-inducible-protein44,IFI44)是一种α/β-干扰素(Interferon-α/β,IFN-α/β)诱导基因,参与干扰素信号路径的多种生物学作用,如抗病毒。它能够反映干扰素的活性,在系统性红斑狼疮(Systemic Lupus Erythematosus,SLE)的发病中担任着新的角色。在肿瘤的发病、治疗、放射抵抗方面也发挥着相应的作用。它还是一个潜在的炎症因子,参与了神经毒素引起的神经变性过程。本文对该基因的研究现状做一简要综述。
Interferon-inducible-protein44(IFI44)is a kind of gene induced by alpha/beta-Interferon and participates in many biological functions through Interferon(IFN) signal pathways, such as antivirus. It can reflect the activity of IFN, so plays a new role in the pathogenesis of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. It also plays some roles in the pathogenesis, treatment and anti-radiation of tumor. IFI44 is a potential inflammatory factor, and enters the process of neural generation causedby neurotoxin. This paper briefly presents a survey of IFI44.
Shandong Science