CCD相机的数据采集是设计实时高分辨率CCD摄像机的瓶颈,1394协议具有高的传输速率,同时在其基础上发展而来的1394b协议,最高的传输速率可以达到3.2 Gb/s。设计基于1394传输协议的数据采集系统,该系统具有高的传输速率,可以有效地解决该瓶颈,同时为设计1394b传输系统奠定了基础。介绍该采集系统的框架图、MCU软件设计流程以及WDM驱动开发等。经测试,系统工作稳定。
The data acquisition is the bottleneck in the design of the real -time and high speed CCD camera. High transmission speed is defined in 1394 protocol,and 3.2 Gb/s is defined in 1394b protocol which comes from 1394 protocol. The system in acquisition based on 1394 is designed in this paper and the system which lays a foundation for the system in acquisition based on 1394b has high speed. The Framework of this system,the flow chart of MCU and development of WDM is given in the paper. The experiment shows that the system is steady.
Modern Electronics Technique