
弱磁场中弱相互作用玻色气体的热力学性质 被引量:4

Thermodynamic properties of a weakly interacting Bose gas in a weak magnetic field
摘要 运用外势中弱相互作用玻色体系的理论结论,研究弱磁场中弱相互作用玻色气体的高温热力学性质,给出系统总能和热容量的解析式,分析粒子之间的相互作用及磁场对系统热力学性质的影响.研究结果表明,排斥(吸引)对粒子和能量的空间分布有集中(分散)作用,并使得系统的化学势、总能、热容量都增大(减小);加强磁场既可使得粒子和能量的空间分布趋于分散又可削弱相互作用对粒子和能量空间分布的影响.相互作用对各个特征量的影响也有着不同的个性表现. The low-temperature properties of a weakly interacting Bose gas in weak magnetic field are studied by using the conclusion of a weakly interacting Bose gas in external potential. The expressions of total energy and heat capacity are given analytically. The effects of the interparticle interactions as well as magnetic field on the thermodynamic properties of the system are discussed. It is shown that repulsion (attraction) can make the spatial distribution of particle number and energy concentrate (disperse) and the chemical potential , total energy, heat capacity of system increase (decrease). While strengthen magnetic field , the spatial distribution of particle number and energy will tend to disperse and the effects of interaction on it will be weaken. The effects of interaction on the different eigenvalue exist different individual behaviors.
作者 刘慧
出处 《原子与分子物理学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第3期646-650,共5页 Journal of Atomic and Molecular Physics
基金 安徽科技学院人才基金(ZRC2008184)
关键词 玻色气体 相互作用 热力学性质 Bose gas, interaction, thermodynamic property
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