阐述了LCD响应时间的定义,介绍了衡量LCD响应速度的两种方法:传统的开关(ON/OFF)响应时间和Gray To Gray(GTG)响应时间。并且介绍了提高响应速度的方法之一———过驱动技术的原理以及该技术的发展,如倍频技术(DFR)、倍频+插黑技术、倍频+运动补偿技术、倍频+扫描背光源技术。
This paper presents the principle of LCD's response time, and introduces two means of evaluating LCD's response time: ON/OFF response time and GTG response time. Also it introduces the principle and the development of Over Driving technology which is one kind of methods to improve the response time, such as Double Frame Rate (DFR), DFR+Black Insertion, DFR+Motion Compensation, DFR+Scanning Backlight.
Advanced Display