
基于出行选择的无标度网络演化模型 被引量:3

Evolving Model for Scale-Free Network Based on Travel Choice
摘要 为深入探讨无标度网络产生的机理,在分析城市居民出行网络特性的基础上,建立了基于出行选择的无标度网络演化模型,并指出了该模型存在的3种特殊情形.模拟了城市居民出行网络的演化过程,运用平均场理论对该模型进行了分析,得到了网络的度分布指数,并与模拟结果进行了比较,两者吻合良好.研究表明,城市居民出行网络具有无标度网络特性,是一个典型的无标度网络. In order to further investigate the mechanism of scale-free networks, an evolving model for scale-free networks based on travel choice was established through analyzing the characteristics of urban resident trip networks, and the three special cases of this model were pointed out. The evolution process of urban resident trip networks was simulated numerically, and the expression of degree distribution exponent was obtained by using the mean-filed theory to show the same result as the simulation result. The research results indicate that urban resident trip networks have scale-free properties and are typical scale-free networks.
出处 《西南交通大学学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2008年第4期531-534,共4页 Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University
基金 交通运输学院研究生创新实验中心资助项目(2007ctt005)
关键词 出行网络 出行选择 无标度网络 平均场理论 trip network travel choice scale-free network mean-field theory
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