简要介绍 PCI 标委会及其标准与支持文档的开发现状,并重点分析世界范围 PCI 所涉及的商户、收单银行和服务提供商等角色目前的符合性工作情况,希望支付卡产业链的各个角色在未来更加重视信息安全工作,从而更为有效、全面、标准化地保护持卡人的机密信息。
By briefly introducing PCI SSC and its current situation of standards and supporting documents, and analyzing current compliance situation of PCI related merchants, acquirers and service providers in global scope, we hope all roles involved into the payment industry could put more focus on information security, and protect cardholder's confidential information in more efficient. complete and standard way.
Information Technology & Standardization