

A Virus Detection Strategy Based on Tree
摘要 从目前的网络安全状况来看,计算机病毒已经成为威胁网络安全的重要因素。计算机病毒带给我们的破坏和损失是难以估量的。对计算机病毒技术的研究也越来越受到重视。本文介绍提出了一种基于树型结构的计算机病毒检测方案。它可以根据目标的实际情况制定检测策略。该病毒检测技术具有自动性和智能性,提高了检测效率。 As far as the current situation of the network security is concerned, the computer virus has become the dominating factor to threat the network security. The losing and breakage that computer virus results in is so large that it is immeasurable. This paper introduces the virus detection strategy based on tree, which can make detect base on the targets practice and do it. This model system makes the detection with automatism and intelligence, which enhances the possibility of success detection.
作者 王慧
出处 《柳州职业技术学院学报》 2008年第2期78-82,共5页 Journal of Liuzhou Vocational & Technical College
关键词 病毒检测 漏报率 误报率 virus detection missing report rate false alert rate
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