
SOI RESURF器件高压互连线效应的二维解析模型

A 2-D Analytical Model of High Voltage Interconnections in SOI RESURF Device
摘要 高压互连线效应是影响集成功率器件性能的重要因素之一。首先提出一个高压互连线效应对SOI横向高压器件的漂移区电势和电场分布影响的二维解析模型,进而得到漂移区在不完全耗尽和完全耗尽情况下的器件击穿电压解析表达式,而后利用所建立的模型,研究器件结构参数对击穿特性的影响规律,定量揭示在高压互连线作用下器件击穿多生在阳极PN结的物理本质,指出通过优化场氧厚度可以弱化高压互连线对器件击穿的负面影响,并给出用于指导设计的理论公式。模型的正确性通过半导体二维器件仿真软件MEDICI进行了验证。 High voltage interconnection is a key factor to deteriorate the blocking performance of SOI integrated power devices. A two-dimensional analytical model is proposed to determine the electrostatic potential and electric field distributions in the drift region of the SOI lateral high voltage device under the high voltage interconnections. The breakdown insight is quantitatively investigated for the SOI RESURF devices considering the influence of the high voltage interconnections. The breakdown voltages as the function of the geometrical parameters are analyzed in the completed and uncompleted depletion cases. Finally, a theoretical formula is given to minimize the field oxide layer thicknesses and weaken the negative influences of the high voltage interconnections. The availability of the model is verified by the good agreement between the analytical results and numerical results using the semiconductor device simulator MEDICI.
出处 《南京邮电大学学报(自然科学版)》 2008年第3期22-26,43,共6页 Journal of Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications:Natural Science Edition
基金 中国博士后基金(20070411013) 江苏省自然科学基金(BK2007605) 江苏省高校自然科学基金(06KJB510077) 南京邮电大学博士启动基金(NY205051)资助项目
关键词 SOI高压互连线 电场分布 击穿电压 SOI High Voltage Interconnection Electric Field distribution Breakdown Voltage
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