

On Verbal Indirect Communication Again
摘要 Kierkegaard(1850)、Hong(1991)和Brown & Levinson(1987)认为,间接交际是一种严肃而有效的交际,所表达的是一种超越话语字面意义的含意。使用语用策略、借助他人(依靠听者)是成功实现交际目标的必要条件。认知语境、交际角色转换、话语意义生成,三者间互动是间接交际的显著语用特征。 Kierkegaard(1850,or Hong, 1991) and Brown & Levinson(1987) defined indirect communication (IC) as a serious and effective communication. What IC conveys is beyond the literal meaning of utterance. What has been newly explored and tentatively discussed in this paper is IC's nature, pragmatic features and communication effects by the application of Kierkegaard's indirect communication theory, Searle's illocutionary forces in indirect speech acts and Levinson's three-level meanings of utterance. The authors hold that employment of pragmatic strategy and reliance on hearer's interpretation successfully are sufficient conditions of successful IC under which communicative goals can be fully achieved. IC's pragmatic features are vividly displayed by messages loaded with too much information,double-voiced utterance,ironies and the realization of the utterer's communicative goals via hearer(s) ,and by interactions between cognitive environments, communicator's roles' shifts and dynamic generation of utterance meanings.
出处 《江苏科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 2008年第2期76-81,共6页 Journal of Jiangsu University of Science and Technology(Social Science Edition)
基金 江苏省教育厅高校哲学社会科学基金项目(2005WY001J)
关键词 言语性间接交际 语用策略 话语意义三层面 语用特征 verbal indirect communication pragmatic strategy three-level meanings of utterance pragmatic features
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