The accumulation of inorganic salts will enhance the conductivity of the furnish, which greatly decreases the water retention value (WRV) and improves the drainability of the fines. And the Ca^2+ ion has higher capbility than Na^+ ion to reduce the swelling and hydration of the fines. Either dissolved substance, colloidal substance, or dissolved and colloidal substance (DCS) all weaken the compressing capbility of metal ions to adsorb double layer of fines, which augments the WRV of the fines and enlongs the water drainage time. Also the research results showed that the effect of alkline lignin on the drainability of fines is greater than that of sodium polypropylene acid. And the effect of anionic dispersant rosin on the WRV and drainability of fines depends on the conductivity greatly, and SBR has a little impact on fines in the Ca^2+ ion environment. DCS has great impact on the swelling and hydration of the fines, surpasses any single anionic trash.
Transactions of China Pulp and Paper