
新型产乙醇重组菌利用葡萄糖和木糖的乙醇发酵 被引量:2

Ethanol Production of Novel Ethanologenic Recombinant Enteric Bacteria from Glucose and Xylose
摘要 对构建得到的新型产乙醇重组菌JM109(pEtac-PA)、947(pEtac-PA)利用不同浓度葡萄糖或木糖的乙醇发酵进行了初步研究。结果表明,重组菌的乙醇发酵受到发酵碳源的类型、发酵液中糖浓度、发酵培养基的装液量、发酵液的pH值、重组菌的宿主类型等多种因素的影响。以野生型菌株E.coli 947为宿主的重组菌947 (pEtac-PA)发酵产乙醇的能力和乙醇得率均高于JM109(pEtac-PA),尤其是在装液量加大、高浓度糖发酵以及利用木糖发酵时更加明显。 In this article, ethanol production of recombinants E. coli JM109(pEtac-PA) and E. coli 947 (pEtac-PA) at different concentrations of glucose and xylose or mixture of glucose and xylose was studied. Results indicated that E. coli 947(pEtac-PA) was efficient for ethanol fermentation from glucose and xylose. Fermentation was completed in 36h and the maximum ethanol yield were 87.4% and 68.7% of the theoretical, respectively, which were both much better than that of E. coli JM109(pEtac-PA). Ethanol production of the recombinants was influenced by various factors such as carbon source, sugar concentration, pH value, host type of the recombinants, etc.
出处 《食品与发酵工业》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第5期105-109,共5页 Food and Fermentation Industries
基金 教育部骨干教师资助项目(No.1696)
关键词 产乙醇重组菌 乙醇发酵 葡萄糖 木糖 ethanologenic recombinants, ethanol fermentation, glucose, xylose
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