
U.S.Policy Towards Southeast Asia

U.S.Policy Towards Southeast Asia
摘要 Greater East Asia is expected to be the next theatre for world politics.East Asian cooperation is rapidly developing through the channels of ASEAN Plus Three(APT)and East Asia Summit(EAS),both driven by ASEAN.Southeast Asia is a region of diverse states and cultures that brings together all the major powers of the Asian-Pacific in a myriad of strategic interests.It is thus an open arena with the potential for a variety of strategic game-playing,options,and uncertain outcomes.In recent years,China's developing relationship with Southeast Asia has undergone a significant shift as the U.S.'distraction elsewhere and neglect of the region have created opportunities for an increased Chinese diplomatic and economic role in Southeast Asia.U.S.analysts are concerned about what may lie behind this shift in China-ASEAN relations, how it may affect American interests in the region and how best to react to the changes.Some have expressed concerns that to avoid becoming distanced from the region the U.S.should pay more attention to Southeast Asia,rather than just watching from a distance.This paper attempts to analyze the possible changes of U.S.policy towards Southeast Asia in the current context of East Asian Cooperation and its implications for China. Greater East Asia is expected to be the next theatre for world politics. 1 East Asian cooperation is rapidly developing through the channels of ASEAN Plus Three (APT) and East Asia Summit (EAS), both driven by ASEAN. Southeast Asia is a region of diverse states and cultures that brings together all the major powers of the Asian-Pacific in a myriad of strategic interests. It is thus an open arena with the potential for a variety of strategic game-playing, options, and uncertain outcomes.2 In recent years, China's developing relationship with Southeast Asia has undergone a significant shift as the U.S.' distraction elsewhere and neglect of the region have created opportunities for an increased Chinese diplomatic and economic role in Southeast Asia.3 U.S. analysts are concerned about what may lie behind this shift in China-ASEAN relations, how it may affect American interests in the region and how best to react to the changes. Some have expressed concerns that to avoid becoming distanced from the region the U.S. should pay more attention to Southeast Asia, rather than just watching from a distance. This paper attempts to analyze the possible changes of U.S. policy towards Southeast Asia in the current context of East Asian Cooperation and its implications for China.
作者 Li Hui
机构地区 Assistant Professor
出处 《Contemporary International Relations》 2008年第3期22-39,共18页 现代国际关系(英文版)
  • 相关文献


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