
学习型区域研究溯源与前瞻 被引量:3

摘要 信息化和全球化背景下,知识经济得到了迅速的发展,国外在区域发展研究方面,学习型区域的概念已经整合了学习、知识战略、创新和生产力、知识管理等方面的研究,并取得了不少的成果,相对而言,我国对该方面的研究还不多,有必要对国外关于学习型区域的概念来源、内涵进行详细说明,以阐释其科学涵义及其政策意义。基于国外对学习型区域研究的文献分析,作者对国外学者对学习型区域的定义进行了分析,并归纳为四种学派的观点,并从发展的角度对学习型区域的内涵进行了解析,认为学习型区域是信息时代区域发展的新模式,并认为,学习型区域研究的前沿研究将集中在机制研究、定量研究和发展中国家的实证研究等方面。 With the development of information technology and in the context of the economy globalization, the knowledge economy has been developed rapidly in the world. In the foreign research practice on the regional development, the concept of learning region has integrated many conceptions such as learning, innovation, productivity, knowledge strategy and knowledge management, and some vital achievements have been acquired. Such research in our country is relatively scare, it is necessary to be focused on. Based on the analysis of the foreign literature on the learning region , the author elucidates the definition and the concept of learning region, and generalizes the relative literature into four schools—economic geography, networking, institution and the education and compared them respectively with each other. Based on the analysis, the author hold it is understood the concept of learning region from the comprehensive and evolutionary view. The author illustrates the connotations of learning region from the developmental view, 1) the basic driving force for regional development is the ability study which is constructed responding to the ever-changing surrounding; 2) the regional competitiveness is derived from the regional knowledge production and innovation. 3) the quality of regional development is affected by the synergistic efficiency; 4) the information infra-structure is the necessary condition for learning regional development. Further, the author compares the learning region paradigm of regional development with the resource-based paradigm in pre-industry age and the proceeding-based paradigm of regional development in industry age. the author holds the learning region is a new paradigm in information age,which namely, emphasizes on the sustainable regional developmental view, regards knowledge and human resources as the main driving force for regional development, and derives the regional competitiveness from the regional innovation. Learning region is characterized with knowledge-intensive industry, the flexible and customer-oriented production mode, infornation technology as well as outward infrastructure.Overthere, the innovative knowledge and integrated knowledge is vital to regional development, the mode of learning is massive, lifetime-long and globalization. What's more, the author prospects the frontier researches on learning region, 1) it is necessary to systematize on the theory of learning region. 2)the research method should be changed from the qualitative method to quantitative methods; 3) it is time to adopt positivism research and case -compared research for the developing countries to construct learning region.
作者 张林
机构地区 广西大学商学院
出处 《人文地理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第3期12-16,共5页 Human Geography
关键词 学习型区域 区域发展 溯源与前瞻 learning region regional development retrospections and prospects
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