本文拟运用MWVD(Multiplicatively Weighted Voronoi Diagram)方法,从中心城市郑州影响区范围的历史扩展演化入手,以河南周边省会城市的发展竞争为背景,探讨中原城市群整合的方案和思路。通过定量计算与空间可视化模拟显示,得出结论:对于河南而言,仅实现郑汴一体化对于提升中心城市的辐射影响力还是不够的,必须尽早实现郑汴洛一体化,甚至中原城市群一体化,才有利于凸显组合型的辐射力和影响力。
Urban Agglomerations are the merging processes and patterns originated from one or multiple cities. It appears more often when urban development is region-oriented, andvice versa. Consensus has been reached in China and other countries that UAs are developed areas with denser population and built-environment reflecting a higher level of urbanization. In the era of information technology and globalization, UAs are becoming nodal regions in global economic system. The study of UAs has drawn more and more attention. Understanding UAs help solve problems such as the integrity of environmental optimization and the share of infrastructures. The article pays a special attention to UAs in He'nan Provicnce. Zhongyuan Urban Agglomeration (ZYUA) in central China includes Zhengzhou City, Luoyang City, Kaifeng City, Xinxiang City, Jiaozuo City, Xuchang City, Luohe City and Pingdingshan City. The south of ZYUA is Wuhan City, of Hubei Province, and the west and the north are Xi'an City, of Shanxi Province and Shijiazhuang City, of Hebei Province. The paper applies the model of the Multiplicatively weighted Voronoi diagram (MWVD) to delineate the theoretical influential regions of each central city. Ordinary Voronoi diagram only considers locations of points to partition a space. MWVD overcomes the largest shortcoming of the ordinary model, and incorporates both location and weight (attribute) to partition a space from a set of points. Employing MWVD, the paper explores several proposed plans of ZYUA by spatially analyzing the influenced regions of central cities and their competition with major cities in neighboring provinces in 1957, 1965, 1978, 1985, 1995and 2005, and the projection of the spatial pattern changes according to the master plans of 2010 and 2020. Investigating the results of MWVD with other GIS tools, it concludes that the integration of Zhengzhou and Kaifeng is inadequate for the proposed influential regions of central cities for Henan Province, because they can not rival the influential region by Wuhan and Xi'an. A more powerful scenario is the integration of Zhengzhou, Kaifeng and Luoyang, or the integration of Zhengzhou, Kaifeng, Luoyang, Xuchang, Xinxiang and Jiaozuo, or the entire ZYUA. Finally, it puts forward some policy suggestions for ZYUA including such as establishing a coordinative intercity structure, building cooperation mechanism among cities, enhancing Zhengzhou city's influence, and constructing a high-speed traffic network and a united market. The suggestions can serve the local governments as a reference and guide in urban development.
Human Geography
the Multiplicatively Weighted Voronoi diagram
influential regions of central cities
urban agglomeration