
一种多门限空海目标分类方法 被引量:2

Multi-threshold classified method for airborne/sea targets
摘要 针对利用高度信息进行空海目标分类时存在很大不确定性的问题,提出了一种机载雷达多门限空海目标分类方法。首先基于假设检验思想,利用高度估计值构建了空海目标分类判别函数,然后采用多门限决策规则进行空海目标分类,并结合统计理论,给出了各门限的计算公式。仿真表明该方法能够有效地进行空海目标分类,可同时将两类错误分类概率控制在较低水平。最后,给出了该方法的实际应用模型。 Due to the uncertainty of airborne/sea targets classification based on the target height information, a multi-threshold classified algorithm for airborne/sea targets is presented. First, a discriminant function for airborne/sea targets classification is constructed by using the hypothesis testing, Then a multi-threshold de cision-making rule is adopted to determine the decision thresholds. Simulation results show that the algorithm proposed can classify airborne/sea targets effectively, and the error probabilities are low. Finally, the practical model is given.
出处 《系统工程与电子技术》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2008年第6期1107-1110,共4页 Systems Engineering and Electronics
基金 国家自然科学基金(60541001) 全国优秀博士学位论文作者专项基金项目(200443) “泰山学者”建设工程专项经费项目资助课题
关键词 空海目标 多门限 分类 假设检验 airborne/sea target multi-threshold classification hypothesis testing
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