
吡咯-IR法测定铝化β沸石的碱性 被引量:1

Basicities of Aluminated Zeolites β:An FTIR Study of Chemisorbed Pyrrole
摘要 The basicities of aluminated zeolites βhave been investigated by FTIR spectra of chemisorbed pyrrole. The NH-stretching frequency of pyrrole adsorbed on the samples shifts towards lower wavenumber as the St/Al ratio is decreased and correlates well with the negative charge on the framework oxygen calculated from the Sanderson electronegativity equalization principle,revealing zeolite βto possess a stronger overall basicity after alumination and, therefore, the alumination to be an effective method to improve the basicity. It is also found that the heterogeneity of basic strength occurs and some stronger basic sites appear after alumination. The basicities of aluminated zeolites βhave been investigated by FTIR spectra of chemisorbed pyrrole. The NH-stretching frequency of pyrrole adsorbed on the samples shifts towards lower wavenumber as the St/Al ratio is decreased and correlates well with the negative charge on the framework oxygen calculated from the Sanderson electronegativity equalization principle,revealing zeolite βto possess a stronger overall basicity after alumination and, therefore, the alumination to be an effective method to improve the basicity. It is also found that the heterogeneity of basic strength occurs and some stronger basic sites appear after alumination.
机构地区 南京大学化学系
出处 《物理化学学报》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 1997年第10期957-960,共4页 Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica
关键词 吡咯-IR法 碱性 铝化β沸石 沸石 Pyrrole probe, FTIR, Basicity, Zeolite β, Alumination
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