

Digital watermarking technology which applies redundant indexes of images to carry hiding information
摘要 提出了一种利用图像的冗余索引值携带隐藏信息的数字水印技术。首先,介绍了索引图像中冗余索引映射表的特定设计方法;然后,结合这种特殊的索引映射表,给出了在图像索引值中嵌入和检测水印信息的实现方法;最后,分析了在索引图像中用该技术嵌入水印信息的最大容量。该数字水印技术不会对图像的质量造成任何影响,适用于向颜色数较少的图像中加入水印和易脆水印相关应用。 This paper presented a digital watermarking technology which applies redundant indexes of an image to carry hiding information. Firstly, the special designing method for redundant indexes mapping-table in an index image was introduced. Then based on the mapping-table, the methods of embedding and detecting digital watermarking into the indexes of images were raised. At last, with this technology, the maximum capacity of embedding watermark into an index image was analyzed. This technology brought no impact on quality of the image and was appropriated for embedding watermarking into images with less color and for applications of fragile watermarking.
作者 刘东 周明天
出处 《计算机应用研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第7期2171-2173,共3页 Application Research of Computers
基金 国防基础科研资助项目(K0100010701)
关键词 数字水印 冗余编码 图像索引 映射表 最大水印容量 digital watermarking redundant code image index mapping-table maximum watermark capacity
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