
A Cheeger-Mller Theorem for Symmetric Bilinear Torsions 被引量:2

A Cheeger-Mller Theorem for Symmetric Bilinear Torsions
摘要 The authors establish a Cheeger-Müller type theorem for the complex valued analytic torsion introduced by Burghelea and Hailer for fiat vector bundles carrying nondegenerate symmetric bilinear forms. As a consequence, they prove the Burghelea-Haller conjecture in full generality, which gives an analytic interpretation of (the square of) the Turaev torsion.
出处 《Chinese Annals of Mathematics,Series B》 SCIE CSCD 2008年第4期385-424,共40页 数学年刊(B辑英文版)
基金 the Qiushi Foundation the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos.10571088,10621101)
关键词 Analytic torsion Symmetric bilinear form Cheeger-Müller theorem Bismut-Zhang theorem 解析挠率 对称双线性 Cheeger-Müller理论 Bismut-Zhang理论
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