
中国南方和东南亚古代铜鼓铸造技术探讨 被引量:2

On the Casting Technology of Ancient Bronze Drums in South China and Southeast Asia
摘要 荷兰学者贝纳特·坎普斯在1988年发表的巨著《东南亚铜鼓:青铜世界及其余波》^①应该算是西方学者继黑格尔1902年出版《东南亚古代金属鼓》^②之后研究铜鼓尤其是黑格尔Ⅰ型铜鼓的集大成之作。我对书中探讨东南亚铜鼓(包括中国南方铜鼓)铸造技术之处^③很感兴趣, The bronze drums discovered in South China and Southeast Asia are largely made by means of the lost wax method (cire-perdue process) with design-bearing wax models as necessary tools. Because the need of transforming designs in relief and those in intaglio into each other, complex decorations must have been made largely by directly cutting wax models and partially by impressing with mold plates. The three-dimensional motifs on the drum body and face, such as frogs and birds, must have been shaped in the lost wax method and then joined to the main body by casting. As the technology of bronze drum making was rather high on the whole, the vertical lines on the drum body may have been intentionally made for strengthening aesthetic and orderly effects rather than the seams left over from the composite mold casting process.
作者 江瑜
出处 《考古》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第6期85-90,共6页 Archaeology
关键词 中国南方 东南亚 铜鼓 铸造技术 South China Southeast Asia bronze drums casting technology
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  • 1A. J. Bernet Kempers, The Kettledrums of Southeast Asia : A Bronze Age World and Its Aftermath, 1988.
  • 2弗朗茨·黑格尔著,石钟健,黎广秀,杨才秀译.《东南亚古代金属鼓》,上海古籍出版社,2004年.
  • 3Franz Heger, Alte metalltrommeln aus Siidost-Asien, 1902.
  • 4A. J. Bernet Kempers, The Kettledrums of Southeast Asia : A Bronze Age World and Its Aftermath, 1988.第185-207页.
  • 5北京钢铁学院冶金史研究室,广西壮族自治区博物馆,云南省博物馆.《广西、云南铜鼓铸造工艺初探》,见《中国铜鼓研究会第二次学术讨论会论文集》,文物出版社,1986年
  • 6A. N. J.Thomassen a Thussink van der Hoop, De Prehistorie, Geschiedenis van Nederlandsch Indie, vol. 1, pp.65--66.
  • 7李济,万家宝.《殷墟出土青铜觚形器之研究》,见《古器物研究专刊》第一本,历史语言研究所,1964年.
  • 8Li Xiating, Liang Ziming, Robert W. Bagley, Art of the Houma Foundry, Princeton University Press, 1996.
  • 9Robert W. Bagley, Shang Ritual Bronzes: Castings Techniques and Vessel Design, Archives of Asian Art, 43, pp. 6--20.
  • 10Rutherford John Gettens, The Freer Chi- nese Bronzes, Washington D. C. : Freer Gallery of Art, 1969.










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