
国内外链接分类研究综述 被引量:3

Study on the Reliability of Link Analysis—Study of the Link Types
摘要 入链数、网络影响因子(WIF)、Pagerank算法等链接指标是国内外链接分析研究的热点,主要用于网页/网站的重要性评价。这些链接指标都有一个共同的假设前提——链接代表认可、推荐。然而多种统计表明,符合这一假设前提的链接不超过链接总教的30%,这便引起了国内外对链接分类的广泛研究。本文根据近年国内外的相关文献,综述了链接分类的研究现状,并提出研究中的不足之处与发展方向。 Link indicators, such as inlink count, WIF, Pagerank algorithm, which have been uesed to e- valuate the web page and site's influence, is an important question in Link analysis study. These indicators are all based on the hypothesis that web links represent authorization or recommendation. But many reports showed the number of the links accord with the hypothesis coverd only 30% of the total web links. This paper based on the related articles both home and abroad, summarized the current researches on link classification, pointing out the shortages, exploring the orientation.
作者 董珏 李江
出处 《中国科技资源导刊》 2008年第3期26-31,共6页 China Science & Technology Resources Review
关键词 链接分析 链接类型 网络信息计量学 link analysis, link types, webometrics
  • 相关文献


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