

A Study of Wang Meng's View on Novel Structure at the Early Phase of His Resumption of an Official Post
摘要 上个世纪的70年代末至80年代初,是王蒙复出的初期阶段。在这一阶段中,王蒙对小说创作发表了一系列的讲话与文章,其中关于小说结构的问题所占比重较大,形成了他的小说结构观。其主要观点是:进行小说创作要十分重视结构问题;小说结构包括篇章结构、线索结构、人物结构、情节结构、心理活动结构等;小说结构要突破创新、丰富扩展、多元并存、自由放松;是社会生活的变化决定了小说形式、结构的变化。由此体现出王蒙复出初期的整个小说创作观是主张杂色、丰富、鲜活地表现生活的小说创作观,体现出其世界观、哲学观的主导方面是突出辩证唯物主义思想体系中的辩证的观念。 The initial phase of Wang Meng' s resumption of an official post ranged from the late 1970s to the early 1980s, during which Wang Meng had delivered a series of speeches and articles on novel crea- tion, mostly on novel structure, thus having led to his view on novel structure, The key points of his view on novel structure are as follows: much stress should be placed, in novel creation, on the novel structure which involves the structure of composition, clues, characters, plots, and of mental activities, etc. ; Breakthroughs and innovations should be made in novel structure to enrich and expand it so as to make it multifaceted and free, because it is the change of life in society that determines the transformation of the form and structure of the novel. Therefore, it is discerned that Wang' s view on novel structure at the start of his resumption is one aimed at portraying life in a variegated, colorful and vivid manner, which illustrates Wang' s stress on the dialectical notion of dialectical materialism in his world outlook and his view of philosophy.
作者 张明
出处 《海南师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2008年第2期51-53,共3页 Journal of Hainan Normal University(Social Sciences)
关键词 王蒙 复出初期 小说结构观 辩证观念 Wang Meng the initial phase of resumption of an official post the view on novel structure the notion of dialectics
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