
中国上市公司资本结构决定因素的实证检验——来自微观层面的证据 被引量:3

An Empirical Test on the Determinants of China's Listed Companies——A Case from the Micro-Layer
摘要 文章以我国沪深两市A股上市公司1997年—2003年期间的数据为样本,实证检验了企业资本结构的决定因素。检验结果发现,在其他国家能够对企业资本结构产生影响的大多数因素,会以类似的方式影响中国上市公司的资本结构,但也存在着特殊性,因而得出一些与以前实证研究不同的结论。 Based on the sample of public companies in Shanghai and Shenzhen during the period of 1997 -2003, this paper tests the determinants of capital structure at the firm level. Firstly, the author uses the method of main proponent analysis to discern factors, then makes a ridge regression on these main proponents. It is shown that most factors may affect China's listed companies in a similar way as in other countries. However, this paper also draws some different conclusions from previous empirical tests, and presents its own explanation.
作者 徐腊平
机构地区 暨南大学金融系
出处 《审计与经济研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第4期92-97,共6页 Journal of Audit & Economics
关键词 资本结构 上市公司 逃税激励 capital structure listed companies incentive to evade tax
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